how can i make an if statement testing certain text in a label? ex: if(TextLabel1->setText(tr("hello"))) except i know that doesnt work ethix: read a book about C++ first. ? yea i did but this involves qt maybe you could just answer me So read it again. The question is _very_ basic. no its not Than describe again what you want to do. The example is confusing. ok i need to create an if statement right..and i want the if statement to check if a label has certain text in it and if it does to act a certain way ethix: read a book about C++ first. IT DOESNT INVOLVE CPP its involving qt Read the Qt documentation. let me read a 400 page doc when you could just help me i dont get it if (label->text() == "read the qt doc") { } thank you let me try that out And, the question is very basic. <-- Rischwa|5r has quit ("ng8 all") <-- Pupeno has quit ("---") --> DarkShock ( has joined #qt ethix: and? <-- Quibus ( has left #qt ("Leaving...") <-- ljp_laptop has quit ("Client Exiting") <-- tdc has quit ("Client exiting") <-- Epilog has quit ("Unix Gurus view of sex: updatedb; locate blonde; talk; date; cd; strip; look; touch; finger; unzip; uptime; gawk; head; apt-ge") <-- reinhold has quit ("using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.3.7") .. <-- DarkShock has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) <-- ethix ( has left #qt